Dr. iur. Heinz Heller
Attorney|Specialist Lawyer SBA Family Law

Here you find pub­li­ca­tions from Dr. Heinz Heller to fam­i­ly law top­ics. The arti­cles do not replace the ind­vid­ual lawyer­ly advice in indi­vid­ual cas­es. Fur­ther­more, the pub­li­ca­tions base on the legal con­di­tions as they were giv­en at the time of pub­li­ca­tion of the articles.

Unter­halt bei alternieren­der Obhut: Ver­rech­nung schlägt Matrix (Anwalt­sRe­vue, Mai 2023)

Betreu­ung­sun­ter­halt Unter­halts­berech­nung (Anwalt­sRe­vue, Nov/Dez 2016)